Silver Cheetah Champions

Running Faster, Jumping Higher, Throwing Farther

Happy New Year Cheetah Family!


Let's  take a moment to read about Good Sportsmanship so that we can apply it in practice and performance.



The Player
1. Treats opponents with respect
2. Plays hard while playing within the rules
3. exercises self-control at all times
4. Sets a positive example for others to follow
5. Respects officials and accepts their decisions without argument or gesture
6. Wins without boasting and loses without excuses
7. Always remembers it is a blessing to have the tools to compete athletically
8. Stands as a symbol of pride for family, school and community

The Coach
1. Treats his/her own players and opponents with respect
2. Inspires within his/her players a love for the game and a desire to compete fairly
3. Is a positive role model who others want to follow
4. Provides discipline for unsporting behavior
5. Respects the judgment and interpretation of the officials
6. Realizes that being a teacher extends into the athletic arena

The Official
1. Has knowledge of the rules of play and understands the intent of the rules
2. Places the welfare of the participants above all other considerations
3. Treats players and coaches with respect and expects the same in return
4. Works cooperatively with fellow officials and other game personnel
5. Is firm, but fair, in all decisions without regard for previous game incidents
6. Maintains confidence, poise and self-control throughout the contest
7. Never allows outside influences to interfere with game situations

The Spectator
1. Attempts to understand the rules of play, and their intent
2. Appreciates good play, and applauds it, regardless of who performs it
3. Cooperates with, and responds enthusiastically with positive cheering
4. Shows compassion for injured players
5. Never jeers, heckles or attempts to distract players
6. Never uses profane or obnoxious language or behavior
7. Respects the judgment and strategy of coaches, and never criticizes players or
8. Respects the authority of those who administer the competition
9. Attempts to censure those who behavior is unruly


Make it a GREAT 2011 Cheetah Family!

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